Moving day

Another in the Life on the Move series.  Today we have a look at moving day.

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths — Walt Disney

  • Sir Movealot — We move a lot.  More than I’d like.  But we have a short amount of time and want to cover a lot of ground.  So, we typically stay at a place for 3-4 nights.  Moving takes a fair amount of work, time and diesel fuel.  We are starting to get the hang of it and proved just recently that we can pack up and pack down (the opposite of packing up?) in about 30 minutes each.  Everybody has their set of jobs they do to get ready.  We have a checklist by the door which began as a short list from the previous owner but has grown each time we’ve made a mistake and forgotten something.  The kids mostly take care of the bunkhouse and its bathroom.  Steph takes care of readying the rest of the inside except the table and chairs which Dacen is responsible for.  I’m in charge of outside:  kitchen, stabilizers, water, power and bikes.  Loading the bikes is a royal pain.  Its a puzzle trying to get them to fit and get them all cinched down on the back of the rig.  If we were going full time I would likely do the roof rack on the truck like we’ve seen others do.  Kids take turns running the slides.  Caden runs the front landing gear while Steph helps me with the hitch.  I’m in charge of dumping the tanks and I usually drive while Steph runs the classroom.  We all agree that moving days are the toughest, but the reward has always been awesome!

Here is a video of us getting ready to travel.

And here is what it looks like when we set up.

Here is what Jesus had to say about traveling with your bed (ha ha)…

Jesus said to him, “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.” — John 5:8

And I also like what Einstein has to say about staying on the move…

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving — Albert Einstein

2 thoughts on “Moving day

  • March 19, 2016 at 3:16 am

    Love the videos‼️ Do some more with narration 😉

  • March 21, 2016 at 3:12 am

    Wow you are all super busy. I loved pics of Brielle having her dream come true day with all the princesses. Liam is happy for her! And he can’t wait to talk Universal with the boys. He loved it too. I knew it would be hard to choose but the Adventure Island did have more action- packed rides so good choice. Where are you off to now?? Are you still in Florida? We miss you all!!


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