Yesterday we were able to get about half of the Freedom Trail completed, so today we were targeting the 2nd half. We knew what we were doing this time so before we left home I dismounted the truck’s antenna and we cruised on out to the Braintree station. We go in to pay for parking but this time I’ll do it myself. I insert the ticket and it says I owe $7. I insert my credit card, it sucks it in then spits it out saying it can’t read it. I try it again…sucks in, spits out, no read. I carefully look at the diagram and realize that I had the stripe pointing the wrong direction. I insert the card the correct way and after a bit it says “Rejected”. It is then that I notice a separate card reader that is probably where I should have slid my card to make the payment. Oh crud, I think I just jammed my credit card into the ticket slot instead of the credit card slot and now its eaten my card!!
I go to find an employee to help and there she is. The same kind woman who helped us yesterday recognizes us and says “oh hi! You’re back…can I help you?” I explain to her that I put my credit card in the wrong slot but then she assures me I did it correct. She presses the “Need assistance?” button on the machine and a crackly voice comes on “yeeees”. She explains that the machine ate a card. It takes several calls to get someone to arrive and during our wait Carol asks about our day yesterday, and our trip and she talks to the kids. Eventually someone comes and opens the machine to find….no card. She says “are you sure you don’t have your card?” Come on, do you think I’m that dumb? I humor her by pulling out my wallet (a rubberband around my cards) to prove that my Discover card is….hey…wait a minute….how did my Discover card get in my wallet? Am I really that dumb? My brother is a magician….I have never had the skills to do any slight of hand until this moment. I’m so good in fact that my hand was even quicker than my own eye!! Seriously, I have no idea how that all went down. But here is the cool part. Carol was awesome!! She was so much help both days. She was so kind and genuine and interested in us that we just had to get a photo with her. Thank you Carol for all your help!!