FlotaSHON, ConnecSHON and DestinaSHON

I’m an Adam Sandler fan and love to imitate Cajun Man.  Today was a drive day that took us into a new state: Louisiana!  So, I had to bust out a few -tion- words to annoy my lovely wife.  So now I will share with you some of the highlights of this travel day in my best Cajun Man accent.

FlotaSHON:  After leaving GalvesTON we boarded the Galveston-Bolivar ferry.  Yup, took the beast and Ava on a big ol boat!  The cost: FREE!  JubilaSHON!!

ConnecSHON: Drove on the Atchafalaya bridge…its the 3rd longest bridge in the US.  This thing was nuts.  Over 18 miles of bridge connects the 2 shores.  And it was bumpy.  VibraSHON!

DestinaSHON: We had originally thought we’d stay at Niblett’s Bluff in VinTON Louisiana…but we were making good time so decided to huff it to BaTON Rouge.  Just across the Mississippi river we exited the interstate, passed LSU and are camped at Farr Park equestrian center which exceeded my expectaSHON.

Huck crossing the Atchafalaya bridge

Kids above the beast

Kids looking down on Ava's roof

Ava on the ferry

Ava and the beast on the ferry

The mighty Mississippi


Now its your turn…leave a comment below, but you must include at least one -tion- word per my instrucSHON!

9 thoughts on “FlotaSHON, ConnecSHON and DestinaSHON

  • February 16, 2016 at 1:49 am

    Let’s try that again. Darn spell checker.
    I am glad you made it in a good condi-shone. It is much more than a vaca-shone. It is educa-shone, observa-shone, and a time to build relation-shone-ships.

    • February 16, 2016 at 2:25 am

      Ah yes….much better after you make the correctSHON

      • February 17, 2016 at 3:12 am

        Jada says that is a great cap-shone!
        And thinks it looks like a beautiful loca-shone.
        (In her opin-yone)

      • February 17, 2016 at 3:31 am

        Thanks for the vindica-shon. Your Cajun situa-shon has left quite an impres-shon. Now we cant seem to stop the Cajun man communica-shon.

        • February 17, 2016 at 4:01 am

          My predicSHON is after compleSHON of our visitaSHON in caJON country we will transiSHON to a new locaSHON and we can return to normal communicaSHON

          • February 17, 2016 at 11:00 pm

            Ahh Yes. Then ….

  • February 17, 2016 at 12:16 am

    The kids look like they are really enjoying the expiramentaSHON. I wonder if the long bumpy bridge led to any heart PalpataSHON. Louisiana, specifically New Orleans is one of my favorite cities, if not #1. Lots to see, eat and listen to there at JackSHON square. The street performers are the best in the work at their tradiSHON, and expect plenty of crowd participaSHON, and an occasional stipeOND.

    • February 17, 2016 at 4:09 am

      Indeed. The musiSHONs are very good. LibaSHONs are plentiful. We tried the local confecSHONs (bignets and pralines). Downside was we got a fair amount of 2nd hand smoke through inhalaSHON.


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