Two spelunkers walk into a bar and order some drinks and Carl the bartender says “we don’t serve spelunkers here”. The two spelunkers beg for him to pour them some brews and Carl finally gives into their plea to which the two spelunkers respond “Carl’s bad” as they high five each other.
Carlsbad NM is a place of many fond memories for me. Growing up we made several trips here to visit family. In high school we visited during Thanksgiving one year because I was really into caving and hadn’t been to the caverns since I was a wee one. Then in college my good friends, the Dogs, made numerous trips to the area to explore as many of the wild caves in the Guadalupes as we could get access to. I brought Steph here when we just had the two boys. I’ve stayed in motels, dumpy motels, tents in town and tents in the backcountry. But this time its all 5 of us and we’re staying in our little home on wheels! After setting up the trailer we went for a bike ride around the campground, played at the playground, and watched the sun set. Then we turned around and watched the big ol moon rise up out of the ground.
For seasoned RVers its probably no big woop, but I’m still very green. It blows me away that we have all the conveniences of home: electricity, heat, water, hot water, and internet. We ate a nice hot meal together on real dishes and now the kids are watching a movie. Now I have to buckle down and do some work…anyone ever use the Levenshtein distance before?
Glad you guys are on the road and things are going good! Great memories of being there with you and the guys. Make sure to take a minute at the top of the cross.
Sounds like a great first day of many. Keep the stories coming because I love reading your blogs.
Whooopeeee great pic so glad you are having a good time love ya lots